Published on Sept. 14, 2021
In Android, CardView is an element that is used to represent design information in a card manner with a drop shadow called elevation and corner radius. It is used to beautify your app's UI.
CardView was introduced in Material Design in API level 21 (Android 5.0 i.e Lollypop). Since CardView is part of material design. It's such a view that has all material design properties, most importantly showing shadows according to elevation.
In order to use the CardView you need to add it to your layout file. Use it as a view group to contain other views. In this example, the CardView contains a single TextView to display some information to the user.
<!-- A CardView that contains a TextView -->
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
The CardView widget is a part of a separate library valid for API 7 level or higher. Add the following dependency in your Gradle build file to use CardView.
Add inside Gradle Scripts > build.gradle (Module: app) and inside dependencies:
dependencies {
implementation "androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0"
Use these properties to customize the appearance of the CardView Widgets
In this article, we have discussed how to display CardView in Android using XML(Extensible Markup Language)?